SLIM Boost High Waist Capri - Geo Abstract

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The Legging That Makes You Feel Instantly Slimmer

Want a workout boost? Feel instantly slimmer and enjoy all the benefits of our magic smart fabrics as they work 24/7 to give you firmer and smoother looking legs. All you have to do is put them on. Made from our clinically proven anti cellulite SLIM fabric featuring a new Boost fit that offers an all day slimming effect.

*If you are in-between sizes we recommend that you go up a size in this product


Fabric Composition:

55% Polyester

24% Nylon

21% Lycra


Wash at 30°C

No tumble drying

No ironing


403030″ / 76cm24.5″ / 62.5cm30″ / 83.5cm
623231.5″ / 80cm25.5″ / 65cm34″ / 87.5cm
843433″ / 84cm 25.5″ / 65cm 36″ / 91.5cm
1063634″ / 86.5cm28″ / 71cm37″ / 95cm
1283835.5″ / 90cm29″ / 74cm39″ / 99cm
14104037″/ 94cm31″ / 79cm41.5″ / 105.5cm
16124239″ / 99cm33″ / 84cm43.5″ / 110.5cm
18144441″ / 104cm36″ / 91.5cm46″ / 117cm
20164643″ / 109cm39″ / 99cm48″ / 123cm
22184845″ / 114cm40.5″ / 103cm50″ / 127cm
24205047″ / 119cm44″ / 112cm51.5″ / 131cm
Womens Baselayer Size Guide


What size should I order? - We recommend your order your usual clothing size, but if between sizes, then we suggest you order a size down.

Should I wear underwear under my Proskins SLIM? - Yes

Can I wear Proskins SLIM under my normal clothes? - Yes

How should I wear my Proskins SLIM everyday and for how long? - For best results, we recommend wearing for 8 hours a day. They can be worn for longer if you wish.

Will they feel tight? - No, the 4 way stretch means they are extremely comfortable.

Can I sleep in them? - Yes, this is a really easy way to wear them and maximise the benefits of Proskins SLIM.

Can I exercise in them? - Yes, the compression helps muscles to work effectively and aid post workout recovery and the 4 way stretch allows for full freedom of movement.

How often should I wash Proskins SLIM? - All our baselayers contain a micro-bacterial finish that reduces odour and wicks away moisture, this extends wear inbetween washes.

How long will Proskins SLIM remain effective? - The micro-capsules will last for 100 washes as long as our wash care guidance is followed. Please note, due to the micro-bacterial finish, Proskins SLIM can be worn for longer between washes which extends the lifetime of the garment.

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Featuring four way stretch fabric that makes it comfortable and easy to move in any direction. Specially chosen yarns include a moisture management system to help you stay dry and a silver anti bacterial treatment meaning leggings will stay smelling fresher for longer.


The micro-capsules within the yarn of Proskins Slim contain ingredients which are massaged into the skin during wear. Combined with graduated compression, these leggings help combat the appearance of cellulite.

Each filament holds thousands of microcapsules

These microcapsules are massaged into the skin during wear

Each microcapsule contains active natural ingredients to reduce the appearance of cellulite

The specfic level of compression promotes lymphatic drainage

Ingredients inside the micro-capsules:

CAFFEINE - Supercharges the circulation to help reduce the appearance of cellulite
RETINOL - Kick start collagen helping to give skin a youthful glow
VITAMIN E - Protects skin from pollution preventing premature ageing
ALOE VERA - Keep calm and carry on with this skin smoothing wonder
CERAMIDES - Restores the skins barrier resulting in a firmer, plumper effect


Compression Fit: Get your circulation moving with our graduated compression
Moisture Management: Don’t sweat it! Our moisture management wicks sweat away keeping you cool, comfy and dry. Yes really!
Micro Climate: Looking hot never felt so good as body temperature is regulated to 37 C (98.6 F)
Silver Antibacterial: Antibacterial silver treatment in the garments keeps odour at bay and you feeling fresh
Our micro-encapsulated yarn has active ingredients that stay in the fabric for at least 100 washes - we should think so too.


Independent clinical tests found that after wearing PROSKINS SLIM for 28 days:
  • 63% of users stated a reduction in cellulite
  • 67% felt their jeans were less tight
  • 65% efficacy reduction of fat nodes
  • 72% of users felt lightness sensation


SLIM è costruita con un file brevettato che contiene micro-capsule ricche di principi attivi. Queste micro-capsule sono rilasciate lentamente e in modo controllato per tutta la durata del’abbigliamento.

Ogni filo contiene migliaia di micro-capsule

Queste micro-capsule sono massaggiate sopra la pelle durante l’uso

Ogni micro capsula contiene ingredienti naturali con principi attivi per migliorare gli inestetismi della cellulite

Un livello di compres-sione specifico e tarato promuove il ritorno linfatico

Le micro-capsule contengono:

CAFFEINA - Un ottimo principio attivo che promuove la lipolisi (effetto rilascia grassi) e micro-circolazione.
RETINOLO - La sua azione stimola la rigenerazione della pelle e il suo collagene, per migliorare l’aspetto della pelle.
VITAMINA E - Un anti-ossidante potente e naturale per migliorare l’aspetto delle pelle, rendendola più fresca e giovane.
ALOE VERA - Un estratto naturale che aiuta ad ammorbidire la pelle.
CERAMIDI - Aiutano a potenziare la barriera naturale della pelle e promuovono già da subito un effetto tensore.


Vestibilità a compressione: Metti in moto la tua circolazione con la nostra compressione graduata
Tessuto Anti-umidita’: Tiene ii corpo asciutto, termo-regolato e confortevole durance il giorno.
Micro-Climatizzazione Attivo: Regola la temperatura corporea a 37°C (98.6F)
Trattamento in Argento Anti-bacterico: Il trattamento antibatterico dell’argento nei capi tiene a bada l’odore e ti senti fresco
Il nostro filato microincapsulato ha principi attivi che rimangono nel tessuto per almeno 100 lavaggi


Test clinici indipendenti hanno rilevato che dopo aver indossato PROSKINS SLIM per 28 giorni:
  • Il 63% degli utenti ha dichiarato una riduzione della cellulite
  • Il 67% ha ritenuto che i propri jeans fossero meno stretti
  • Riduzione dell’efficacia del 65% dei nodi di grasso
  • Il 72% degli utenti ha avvertito una sensazione di leggerezza


SLIM wird unterVerwendung eines patentierten Garnes, das Mikro-Kapseln enthaelt, hergestellt. Diese Mikro-Kapseln werden kontrolliert ueber die gesamte Lebenszeit des Kleidungsstueckes abgegeben.

Jede Faser enthaelt tausende von Mikro-Kapseln

Diese Mikro-Kapseln werden beim Tragen in die Haut einmassiert

Jede Mikro-Kapsel enthaelt natuerliche Wirkstoffe

Der spezielle Kompressions­druck foerdert die Lymphdrainage


Inhaltsstoff der mikro-kapseln:

KOFFEIN - Ein natuerliches mittel, das Mikrozirkulation foerdert.
RETINOL - Regeneriert die Haut durch Kollagenstimmulation und fuehrt zu einem jugendlichen Erscheinungsbild der Haut.
VITAMIN E - Ein Antioxidant, der beitraegt, die Haut jung und frisch aussehen zu lassen.
ALOE VERA - Ein Pfanzenextrakt, der die Haut spuerbar weicher und glatter macht.
CERAMIDES - Reparieren das Schutzsystem der Haut und fuehren zu einer sofortigen straffenden Wirkung.


Compression Fit: Bringen Sie Ihren Kreislauf in Schwung mit unserer abgestuften Kompression
Feuchtigkeitsmanagement: Nicht ins Schwitzen kommen! Unser Feuchtigkeitsmanagement leitet Schweiß ab und hält dich kühl, bequem und trocken.
Mikroklima: Es hat sich noch nie so gut angefühlt, heiß auszusehen, da die Körpertemperatur auf 37 ° C (98,6 ° F) reguliert wird
Silber antibakteriell: Antibakterielle Silberbehandlung in der Kleidung hält Gerüche in Schach und Sie fühlen sich frisch
Unser mikroverkapseltes Garn hat Wirkstoffe, die für mindestens 100 Wäschen im Stoff bleiben.


Unabhängige klinische Tests haben ergeben, dass nach 28-tägigem Tragen von PROSKINS SLIM:
  • 63% der Benutzer gaben an, dass die Cellulite reduziert wird
  • 67% fanden, dass ihre Jeans weniger eng sind
  • 65% Wirksamkeitsreduktion von Fettknoten
  • 72% der Benutzer verspürten ein leichtes Gefühl


Les micro-capsules contenues dans le fil de Proskins Slim contiennent des ingrédients qui sont massés dans la peau pendant le port. Associé à une compression graduée, ce legging permet de lutter contre l’apparition de la cellulite.

Chaque filament contient des milliers de microcapsules

Ces microcapsules se liberent par les frottements au contact de la peau

Chaque microcapsule contient des ingredients actifs

Le niveau de compression spécifique favorise le drainage lymphatique

Les microcapsules contiennent:

CAFFÉINE - Un agent d’amaigrissement naturel qui favorise la circulation du sang.
RÉTINOL - Actif qui stimule le collagène de la peau.
VITAMINE E - Antioxydant aidant la peau à avoir une apparence plus jeune.
ALOE VERA - Un extrait de plante qui hydrate l’épiderme.
CÉRAMIDES - Aide à améliorer l’élasticité de la peau.


Ajustement compressif: Faites bouger votre circulation avec notre compression graduée
Evacuation de l’humidite: Evacue la transpiration vous permettant d’etre a l’aise tout au long de la journee
Micro Climat: permet a votre organisme de reguler sa temperature 37 C (98.6 F)
Argent Antibactérien: Le traitement antibactérien à l’argent dans les vêtements maintient les odeurs à distance et vous donne une sensation de fraîcheur
Notre fil micro-encapsulé contient des ingrédients actifs qui restent dans le tissu pendant au moins 100 lavages.


Des tests cliniques indépendants ont révélé qu’après avoir porté PROSKINS SLIM pendant 28 jours:
  • 63% des utilisateurs ont déclaré une réduction de la cellulite
  • 67% ont estimé que leurs jeans étaient moins serrés
  • Réduction d’efficacité de 65% des ganglions graisseux
  • 72% des utilisateurs ont ressenti une sensation de légèreté